Plugin in detail

A plugin should extend Mascame\Artificer\Plugin\AbstractPlugin

Lets review an extension in depth:

<?php namespace NamespaceHere;

use Mascame\Artificer\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;

class MyPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {

     * Automatically filled.
     * Namespace will automatically be set if empty (will usually be the class itself).
     * Example: "Mascame\Artificer\Extension\Extension"
     * @var string
    public $namespace;

     * Automatically filled.
     * Which package is this part of.
     * Example: "mascame/artificer-widgets"
     * @var string
    public $package = null;

     * Automatically filled.
     * @var array
    public $authors = [];

     * Automatically filled.
     * @var string
    public $slug;

     * Name that will be shown on extensions page. Example: "My great extension".
     * @var string
    public $name = null;

     * @var string
    public $description = 'No description provided';

     * @var string
    public $thumbnail = null;

     * @var PluginOption
    protected $option;

     * @var ResourceCollector
    public $resources;

     * This will be called if the plugin is installed
    abstract public function boot();

     * @return string
    public function getSlug()
        return $this->slug;

     * Artificer does not know about your constructor so you
     * can inject any dependecy you need
    abstract function __construct();

     * @return Manager
    abstract protected function getManager();

     * @return bool
    final public function isInstalled()
        return $this->getManager()->isInstalled($this->namespace);

     * The assets manager will request the desired assets.
     * Plugin assets: Will always be requested
     * Widget assets: Will only be requested when needed
     * Note: If you are using local assets they should be published (only happens if the extension is installed)
     * Example: [ $this->assetsPath . 'css/my-style.css' ]
     * @param AssetsManagerInterface $manager
     * @return AssetsManagerInterface
    public function assets(AssetsManagerInterface $manager)
        return $manager;

     * Refers to the resources that you would usually place in the ServiceProvider:
     * Keep in mind that extension config is not available until boot
     * @param ResourceCollector $collector
     * @return ResourceCollector
    public function resources(ResourceCollector $collector)
        return $collector;